
"Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared; but only men of character are trusted" -- Author Unknown

Friday, February 18, 2011

Governor Walker: How Dare You!

I do not know how many of you have heard about, or have been following the uprising in Wisconsin between the unions and Governor Scott Walker, well, I have, and I am appalled!

I want to reprimand Governor Walker on the actions he has taken – he is totally out of step with the will of the people.

I want to tell Governor Walker this:

·         How dare you:
keep your campaign promise- to reduce the state’s deficit and work toward balancing the State budget?
·         seek to accomplish the work you promised your constituents - those who elected you to office?
·         you enjoy the support from the 52% of voters who voted for you and who are on your side and support your budget proposals.
·         you require that the 14 Senate Democrats - who ran away and hid in a motel so that they would not have to vote on this bill- show up for work?
·         you not blame your predecessor, Gov. Jim Doyle, for leaving you with a deficit of $2.5 billion – you should be following President Obama’s example of doing just that, blaming his predecessor for the deficit at every public speech he gives here and abroad?
·         you actually bring about proactive change to Wisconsin – when it was President Obama who campaigned for president promising to bring change and fundamentally transform America.
·         you require that these poor teachers, who get paid only an average  salary of $89,000 pay any money towards their retirement, how can they live with 5% less – like all private sector employees do?
·         you not capitulate to this thug union - who will not bend or negotiate for some common ground for compromise to prevent the complete bankruptcy of the State?
·         you not capitulate to this thug union – when President Obama is on their side and is encouraging this chaos.
·         you try to implement a mandate that “We must all live within our means,”  this is what President Obama himself has elicited from every citizen in this country since the economic crisis started two years ago?
·         you not care for the children of Wisconsin – because of you the teachers are so distraught that they cannot educate the children because they are in Madison protesting and the children are not in school?
·         you not embrace - Organizing for America members mobilized and bused to Wisconsin to agitate the demonstrators by orders of President Obama?
·         you not want President Obama meddling in your State business.

Really, Governor Walker, you are truly out of touch with the citizens of your State. 

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